100% about you

Online Classes


The online classes offer something for everyone and will focus on de-stressing, calming your nervous system, taking some time out for oneself, strengthening the immune system and engaging your coping skills. Yoga can help on so many levels!


You can join ‘live’ or receive the recording to do in your own time.


1 x online class per week R240
2 x online classes per week R360
3 x online classes per week R480


To make sure the poses are accessible to everyone the following equipment will be required: 1 x chair, 2x blankets, 2x bath towels, 2x firm bed pillows and a belt.


Yoga is best practised in a clean and airy place, away from distractions. Place all your equipment around you so it is in easy reach. Ideally be near a wall that you can stand against.

It is advisable to have a bath or a shower before practice to refresh the body and mind.

Yoga is best practiced on an empty stomach, however if this is difficult a cup of tea, coffee, cocoa or milk can be taken. Remember to practice 2 to 3 hours after a meal and 4 hours after a heavy meal. Ideally your bladder and bowels should be empty.


The classes are on ‘Zoom’ , which is free of charge for you. I will open the ‘meeting’ 15 minutes before the start of the class so you can all log in and from there I admit you into the meeting. Please be timeous, we will start on time and once I start I can no longer admit you to the class. It is a one way video so I will not be able to see or hear you.

If you are not able to attend the ‘live’ classes it is possible to receive the recording of the class and do it in your own time. It is a one way video so no-one can to see or hear you.





Virabhadrasana I


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana